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About us


  1. Outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine No. 1. 

  2. Outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine No. 2.

  3. Outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine No. 3. 

  4. Outpatient clinic of general practice of family medicine No. 4.

The main goal of the Center's activity is to provide affordable, timely, high-quality primary medical and sanitary care  to the population permanently living or staying in the territory of the united territorial community, ensuring the continuity of medical care, as well as prevention of population diseases and support of public health.

In accordance with the set goal, the Center's activities are:

  • medical practice for providing primary medical care to the population;

  • organization of provision of primary health care, including emergency care, in accordance with the procedure defined by legislation;

  • carrying out preventive vaccinations;

  • ensuring the right of citizens to freely choose a doctor who provides primary health care (general practitioner - family doctor, pediatrician);

  • planning, organization, participation and control of preventive examinations and dispensation of the population;

  • ensuring continuity and consistency in the provision of medical services to the population  with health care institutions and institutions providing secondary (specialized), tertiary (highly specialized) and emergency medical care (patient medical route);

  • selection and referral of patients for consultation and treatment to health care institutions and institutions providing secondary (specialized) and tertiary (highly specialized) medical care;

  • ensuring compliance with standards and unified clinical protocols of medical care;

  • introduction of new forms and methods of prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of diseases and conditions;

  • organization of inpatient substitute forms of medical care; conducting an examination of temporary incapacity for work and control over the issuance of incapacity for work certificates;

  • organization of preferential provision of medicines to the population in accordance with the procedure defined by legislation;

  • implementation of measures for the prevention and timely detection of diseases, reduction of the level of complications, disability and mortality of the population, primarily from preventable diseases and conditions;

  • coordination of the implementation and control over the implementation of local programs and measures to improve the provision of primary health care;

  • determination of problematic issues of providing primary medical and sanitary care to the population of the Boyar City Council and ways to solve them;

  • development of plans for the development of primary health care for the population;

  • carrying out preventive and anti-epidemic measures together with the sanitary-epidemiological service;

  • determination of the need of the structural divisions of the Center and the population for medicines, medical products, medical equipment and vehicles to provide the population with affordable, timely and high-quality medical care;

  • monitoring of supply and rational use of medicines, medical devices, medical equipment and vehicles;

  • monitoring of the implementation and financial support of state social regulations on providing the population with primary health care;

  • study, analysis and forecasting of population health indicators and participation in the development of measures aimed at preserving and improving the population's health;

  • provision of training, retraining and advanced training of the Center's employees;

  • medical practice;

  • other functions resulting from tasks assigned to the Center.

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